Monthly Archives: November 2014

No More Private room


Almost one and half month i have no more private room at home. I and my mom sleep together in one bed. Actually I have my own bed room, but I just can’t use it, as a matter of fact, after my dad passed away, we decide to be in the same place for sleeping.

So far it is like how to make my self melt into a family because i had been so busy when we were complete. So what i am doing now is like to payback all of the time that i have wasted.

No room private room makes me more open and just let my family see my activity during the day, especially when I cant sleep at night.

I am just a kid. My family own me. Now i throw away my wall, I promise no more private room.

Interested in


Dear all,

What is the interesting thing for you?

The uniqueness
The difference
The awkwardness
The mystery

Or perhaps you feel interested in something if you need it. Really?

Actually if u need it, u will search for it. U fight for it. It will not come out from the earth for u.

It’s different from interested in.
Feel interested is something great distraction of ur common situation.

That’s why when u r trying to get the attention, u better to be different/ unique/ awkward/ sometimes full of mystery.

But from all of these theories, to be ur self is everything. Dont be someone else. When u dislike to be like that, u can express ur feeling. To be honest is always the best, even not all have a big heart for it.

Once again.
I share what I am thinking, if u say i’m only loud of theories, it’s true, because I am still a student in life.

Smd 151114